Thursday, December 9, 2010


We had a celebration today for the wonderful fall Sunday School season the Lord provided. We thank him for teaching us and for his blessings.  

Dec 5

Elisha (Elly) followed God w/ all his (her) heart

Elisha saw Elijah taken up to heaven. God gave Elisha the desire of his heart, to follow God fully. A widow needed help, because a man wanted to take her sons as slaves. Elisha was used by God to provide for her needs & pay off her debt. A rich lady and her husband wanted to take care of Elisha. They made an extra room for him. Elisha prayed and God sent the family a son. Later the son got sick and died. The lady came and cried to Elisha. He went back and prayed to God. God heard and the baby came back to life. 

Nov 28

Elijah obeyed God

God told Elijah to go to a ravine during a famine, where ravins came and fed him morning and evening. Then God sent him to a widow who shared her oil & flour. Because of her obedience and faith, God kept the food supply going until the famine was over. 

Nov 21

Good & Bad decisions

Jeroboam was Solomon’s son. He didn’t want to listen to the older advisors. Instead his listened to his friends.The kingdom was torn in two, and he ruled only the tribe of Judah. Reheboam, a good worker, became king of the other 11 tribes. He was promised blessing from God if he obeyed. He didn’t. So he had problems, too. 

Nov 14, 21, 28

Following God at all costs

Deborah called Barak to lead the people to victory. Barak was scared & wanted someone else to go.The honor went to someone else. God called Gideon to tear down the idols in his town. Gideon obeyed & God protected him from the people’s attack. God gave a miracle victory to Gideon & his small army. For the Glory of God! The people wanted a king instead of God. God gave them their wish in Saul, but things wouldn’t go well. Samuel was the man of God.  

Oct 17, 24, 31, Nov 7

People trust & honor God

Abraham followed God even though he didn’t know the destination. Later, God asked Abraham to give up his favorite possession. God saw Abraham put the LORD first above everything. Even though Jacob wasn’t perfect, God still accomplished his purposes. God helped Jacob & Esau reconcile after years of a broken relationship.  

Sept 26, Oct 3, 10

Creation reflects God’s glory

Praise God! 6 days for work, 1 day for rest. God makes the world & says, “It’s good!” Man wanted to do their own cool projects & not consult God. The tower of Babel didn’t fly. 

Sept 12, 19